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Water smashed and killed all signs of life on earth!


   No matter how unbelievable it may seem to us today the simple fact is that God had decided all human and animal life on Earth must die and so immediately His angels had shut Noah up in the Ark the earth began cracking open releasing huge fountains of water while the heaviest rain ever known began drumming on the Ark's roof.


   There must have been awful scenes of mayhem and panic as buildings were shaken to pieces, trees were torn off their stumps, people and animals were swept away  and all being pummelled by the raging waters.  Down crashed and torn apart were the mighty temples, the stone idols, the palaces, the houses of the rich and the poor, the crops in the storehouses  and still ripening in the fields and orchards, the draft animals on the farms and the stallions of the armies, the gamblers and the fornicators, the young and the old, the prostitutes in their prime and the worn-out  women who sit and gossip - everything and everybody that had life or represented the old polluted world was crushed, drowned and swept away.






   The floodwaters drained back off the land leaving nothing living except the olive tree that the dove plucked a leaf from. The fertile topsoil had been stripped and washed down into the new mighty ocean deeps leaving bare rocks that even today offer no rooting in many places.  And worse, now there was a harsh sun to drive extremes of heat and cold with lashing winds unlike anything Adam and Eve knew.   Paradise was truly lost!


   So extreme was the devastation that its evidence is visible all round the world and even to the top of the highest mountain, Everest at 29,000 feet or 8800 metres whose summit rock is a mixture of compacted sediment with millions of unopened fossilised clams.  Clam shells are kept closed by a strong muscle when alive but on dying the muscle relaxes and the shell opens but all those fossil clams around the world are firmly shut showing they died buried quickly under masses of heavy soil and stones and the reflex action could not occur.  


    As the waters kept shooting up out of giant cracks and hammering down out of the sky the old climate Adam and Eve had enjoyed was ended.  The warm, moist, heavy air that had allowed the amazing dinosaurs to grow to monstrous size along with the  towering fruit trees and tree ferns they fed on now became the death of all life as its moisture particles coalesced into huge drops that tore at animal and vegetable life indiscriminately.   The dinosaurs were powerless to withstand the surging waters and the crumbling tossing ground. 


    Powerless too were the giant men who had been destroying the earth as they fought among themselves and killed and ate any animal, bird, fish or humans they could catch.  Giant bodies with massive bones and muscles they had and had used to quarry and carve and set in place the huge ruins we now see all over the world but as the sky fell the air cooled and became thinner and they found themselves weakened by the lessening of the uplift provided by the fast falling water canopy that previously had extended hundreds of miles above earth and acted as an anti-gravity force helping huge bodies to move about.


    The catastrophe was so sudden that no humans could make any sort of emergncy craft to try ride out the floods.  They had had ample warning and news of Noah's crafting a giant boat must have been common knowledge in his own area at least - but then as now anyone prophecying doom is scorned and mocked.

Thus they died in their thousands, millions, possibly billions and their torn up, burst open bodies floated away and settled in the depths where fine sediment drifted down and buried them - perhaps the claim by some American oil companies that their oil contains dinosaur oil is quite true and it may contain human body oils too. 


    For forty days and forty nights the waters came until on day forty-one it stopped falling and spurting up but in its place came a mighty wind that blew first one way and then another for one hundred and fifty days before it finally stilled to let the waters start to flow away. 


   The waters reached higher than the highest mountains then known and scoured all the loose soils and rocks off the land into the wind whipped seas to spread it over the entire earth where today we find it and call it the 'grey layer'though in many places it is overlain by much more material and makes geologists doubt the Flood account.  The overburden is that soil whipped up by the five months of wind as well as the settlement and resettlement of the land as it  adjusted itself to losing and then regaining its massive weight of water.



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